Gazza Speakers: The Sound of Luxury.

E-commerce | User Research & Responsive web app

Giselle Gazzana UX Designer Portfolio Gazza Speakers App homepage showed in mobile and laptop versions


Project Context: Gazza Speakers is an e-commerce responsive app for specialized speakers with a minimalistic approach created in one month in December 2022 for Daniel Scott’s course called Figma UI UX Design Essentials. I took this course to develop my skills using this software.

Role: UX & UI Designer

Design Process: Design Thinking

  1. Discovery - Context, Problem Statement and User Research (Competitor Analysis, Surveys, A/B Tests and Interviews)

  2. Conceptualization - User Persona, Task Flow, Lo-Fi and Mid-Fi Wireframes and Prototype

  3. Interaction - Hi-Fi Wireframes and Prototypes

  4. . Exposition - Design Language System, Final Wireframes, Conclusion & Next Steps, and Prototypes

  1. Discovery


This course is focused on User Interface (UI) Design using Figma, applying the Design Thinking process to teach how to create visually stunning interfaces and engaging prototypes that meet client needs. It also focuses on user perspectives and industry trends through thorough User Research, helping to craft designs that truly resonate. It starts with creating a project brief through the Random Project Generator website. Inputting my pet's name and former city, I received a brief to kick off my work.

Giselle Gazzana UX Designer Portfolio Gazza Speakers Brief

Problem Statement

Sofia needs a way to listen to music, news, podcasts and movies at home while working, studying or for leisure. Also, she likes to be up-to-date on fashion and trends. She will be happy with a solution that allows her to use it in many ways. It also must be aesthetically pleasing to her, as it will make her enjoy using the solution even more daily.

User Research: Competitor Analysis

With that briefing in mind, I realized my next steps would involve gaining a deeper understanding of the product and its intended users, as well as identifying the most significant problem to address.

For the Competitor Analysis, I researched over 20 distinct websites retailing speakers. These encompassed a range of platforms, including Davone, Bose, Sonos, B&W and KEF, searching for quality aesthetic relevance.

Giselle Gazzana UX Designer Portfolio Gazza Speakers App User Research Competitor Analysis

Business Requirements

The research highlighted a few key strategies. To succeed, we should focus on offering a variety of speakers with modern designs and features that attract budget-conscious buyers. Using innovative tech and materials to deliver quality sound at competitive prices is crucial, along with building a strong, reliable brand, by prioritizing style and customer value.

User Research: Surveys & A/B Test

I conducted surveys and preference tests with 23 women aged 35 to 45 to better understand potential users. The goal was to explore the right tone, aesthetic preferences for the product, and brand style. The tests identified the most favoured aesthetics, leading to the creation of a mood board.

Keywords: Minimal, Natural Wood, Family, Workspace, Light Tones, Leisure, Daylight, Elegant, Calm.

Giselle Gazzana UX Designer Portfolio Gazza Speakers App User Research Mood Board

User Research: Interviews

I additionally conducted interviews with 6 participants to gather insights into their daily needs, challenges, user goals, and product-related desires. This process was chosen to refine the design solution effectively. Employing a script consisting of five open-ended questions, the interviews provided valuable data that facilitated the development of a user persona and the formulation of a comprehensive problem statement.


Giselle Gazzana UX Designer Portfolio Gazza Speakers App User Research Quotes 1
Giselle Gazzana UX Designer Portfolio Gazza Speakers App User Research Quotes 2
Giselle Gazzana UX Designer Portfolio Gazza Speakers App User Research Quotes 3
Giselle Gazzana UX Designer Portfolio Gazza Speakers App User Research Quotes 4

2. Conceptualization

User Persona

Sophia was created to stay in my mind throughout the project, helping me better understand which flows and features would be most appropriate to her. The user persona is also extremely helpful in aligning product decisions with all stakeholders, from development to sales. The problem statement was specifically created with her in mind.

Giselle Gazzana UX Designer Portfolio Gazza Speakers App User Persona

Task Flow

The course material was focused on the main action of the app, as follows:

  1. Homepage/Marketing Page

  2. Product Features

  3. Checkout

  4. Confirmation

These are the main screens developed, along with those necessary for the MVP.

Lo-Fi Wireframes & Prototype

The next step involved commencing the initial wireframing for the proposed solution. This phase entailed the creation of screens for the task flow. Particular emphasis was placed on mastering fundamental functions such as grids, spacing, icon generation, and basic layout.

Home, Product Features, Check out & Confirmation Lo_Fi Wireframes (click to access the prototype).

3. Interaction

Hi-Fi Wireframes and Prototypes

After testing the Lo-Fi prototype, I took the time to refine the wireframes by creating their user interface (UI) elements. Some key concepts from Gestalt psychology and Nielsen Norman Group (NNG) guidelines were applied to guide my design decisions. By focusing on principles like proximity and similarity, I made sure related elements were grouped correctly, which helped users navigate more easily. I also emphasized clear affordances and feedback, making it intuitive for users to understand how to interact with each element. This process not only boosted usability but also created a more engaging experience, ensuring that every interaction felt natural and straightforward.

Giselle Gazzana UX Designer Portfolio Gazza Speakers App Mobile Lo-Fi Wireframe Home Screen Before
Giselle Gazzana UX Designer Portfolio Gazza Speakers App Mobile Hi-Fi Wireframe Home Screen After

Before & After: Home Page

Giselle Gazzana UX Designer Portfolio Gazza Speakers App Mobile Lo-Fi Wireframe Product Features Before
Giselle Gazzana UX Designer Portfolio Gazza Speakers App Mobile Hi-Fi Wireframe Product Features After

Before & After: Product Features

Giselle Gazzana UX Designer Portfolio Gazza Speakers App Mobile Lo-Fi Wireframe Check Out Screen Before

Before & After: Check out

Giselle Gazzana UX Designer Portfolio Gazza Speakers App Mobile Lo-Fi Wireframe Confirmation Before
Giselle Gazzana UX Designer Portfolio Gazza Speakers App Mobile Hi-Fi Wireframe Confirmation After

Before & After: Confirmation

4. Exposition

Design Language System

As the project advanced and I gained a clearer understanding of the app's structure, it was time to turn the style survey insights into action. The focus shifted to choosing sophisticated fonts, natural colours, and refined imagery that aligned with the mood board.

Giselle Gazzana UX Designer Portfolio Gazza Speakers App Design Language System Guidelines Colour Typography
Giselle Gazzana UX Designer Portfolio Gazza Speakers App Design Language System Guidelines Colour Typography Components and UI Elements

Introducing Gazza Speakers


Giselle Gazzana UX Designer Portfolio Gazza Speakers App Hi-Fi Wireframe Laptop Home Screen
Giselle Gazzana UX Designer Portfolio Gazza Speakers App Hi-Fi Wireframe Mobile Home Screen

Product Features

Giselle Gazzana UX Designer Portfolio Gazza Speakers App Hi-Fi Wireframe Laptop Product Features Screen
Giselle Gazzana UX Designer Portfolio Gazza Speakers App Hi-Fi Wireframe Mobile Product Features Screen


Giselle Gazzana UX Designer Portfolio Gazza Speakers App Hi-Fi Wireframe Laptop Check Out Screen
Giselle Gazzana UX Designer Portfolio Gazza Speakers App Hi-Fi Wireframe Check Out Screen

Check out

Giselle Gazzana UX Designer Portfolio Gazza Speakers App Hi-Fi Wireframe Laptop Confirmation Screen
Giselle Gazzana UX Designer Portfolio Gazza Speakers App Hi-Fi Wireframe Mobile Confirmation Screen

Conclusions & Next Steps

Taking Daniel Scott's course was a joy. This project was especially engaging as it pushed me into new territory—an E-commerce app. Applying my research to colour schemes, fonts, and imagery was a valuable learning experience.

My challenges came from interactions I hadn't fully explored in previous projects, making it a rewarding experience. Overall, I'm satisfied with the results. As a next step, I would focus on testing the app, refining it with each iteration, and adjusting the layout based on new refinements, with different users.

Daniel Scott Figma Course Cover


Click to test the prototypes