Catch Up: seasoned language learning.

Language Learning | User Research, Deliverables & Web App


Project Context: Catch-up is a vocabulary app, developed as a language solution interest-oriented for custom-made learning. It was developed in a one-month case study for Introduction to UX, the Career Foundry UX Program’s first stage, and it was completed in May 2022.

Role: UX & UI Designer

Design Process: Design Thinking

  1. Discovery - Objective and User Research (Competitor Analysis and Interviews)

  2. Conceptualization - User Persona, Statements, Stories, Tasks, Flows, Wireframes and Lo-Fi Prototype

  3. Interaction - Usability Test and Redesign

  4. Exposition - Design Language System, Final Wireframes, Conclusion & Next Steps, and Prototype

  1. Discovery


The objective is to develop a mobile application focused on enhancing vocabulary acquisition. The target audience consists of individuals aged between 30 and 40 who have experience using online language courses and are familiar with mobile applications.

The solution will be used during specific instances, both indoors and outdoors, in short intervals, facilitating brief study sessions lasting 5 to 15 minutes, to assist people who don't have much time with a custom-made, interest-based solution.

Giselle Gazzana UX Designer Portfolio Catch Up App Storyset Illustration Mobile Testing

User Research: Competitor Analysis

After researching the most recommended and constantly mentioned apps for language learning, I carried out a more detailed search and analysis of three specific apps: Memrise, Duolingo and Quizlet.

Giselle Gazzana UX Designer Portfolio Catch Up App Competitor Analysis Memrise Duolingo and Quizlet


The key findings that can serve as inspiration for this app are the repetition and mnemonic techniques used by Memrise, and Duolingo's gamified approach. We can also draw inspiration from Quizlet’s intuitive and easy layout. Providing progress tracking and performance statistics, like Memrise and Quizlet, the app will help motivate users and offer feedback on their learning journey. Lastly, enabling users to create their own study sets and share them with others, as seen in Quizlet, seems a way to also promote collaborative learning.

Giselle Gazzana UX Designer Portfolio Catch Up App Word Cloud

User Research: Interviews

After a thorough analysis of our competitors, I conducted interviews with 5 participants who shared the same or similar demographics outlined in the brief. The aim was to gather insights into the daily requirements, challenges, user objectives, and preferences for the upcoming Catch-up! app, aiming for the most effective design solution. Seven open-ended questions were made during the interviews, and subsequently, the findings were meticulously categorized into actions, emotions, and thoughts.

Interview Insights

Giselle Gazzana UX Designer Portfolio Catch Up App User Research Interview Insights Feeling
Giselle Gazzana UX Designer Portfolio Catch Up App User Research Interview Insights Doing
Giselle Gazzana UX Designer Portfolio Catch Up App User Research Interview Insights Thinking

2. Conceptualization

User Persona, Statements and Stories

A user persona was developed by synthesizing interview information. The insightful responses were carefully considered in alignment with the project's objectives. A problem and a hypothesis statement were crafted, along with the formulation of user and job stories.

Giselle Gazzana UX Designer Portfolio Catch Up App User Persona

Problem Statement

Claudia needs a language learning method to stay updated on global architectural trends and enhance her communication skills for professional connections. Success will be evident when she excels at work, as verified by her performance statistics, progress, and network in the language app.

Hypothesis Statement

Creating an interest-oriented language app tailored to Claudia's interests will lead to fast and effective content acquisition. This approach ensures a user-friendly and enjoyable learning experience while simultaneously addressing her specific needs.

Giselle Gazzana UX Designer Portfolio Catch Up App User and Job Stories

Task Analysis and User Flows

To gain a deeper understanding of and effectively communicate the Information Architecture required for the solution, I have developed task analysis and user flows for the two core activities of the application: Adding a new vocabulary flashcard and accessing flashcard categories.

Click to view in detail

Wireframes & Prototypes

Giselle Gazzana UX Designer Portfolio Catch Up App Wireframes

The Lo-Fi wireframes and prototype’s initial versions were created using sketches, focusing on the most important features determined by the task analysis and user flows. I also created mid-fidelity wireframes before diving into the visuals, because while pen and paper spare resources, software usage can provide another way to see the solution.

Giselle Gazzana UX Designer Portfolio Catch Up App Mid-Fi Wireframe
Giselle Gazzana UX Designer Portfolio Catch Up App Lo-Fi Wireframe

Lo-Fi and Mid_Fi Wireframes

Information Architecture: Prototype’ Flow

Giselle Gazzana UX Designer Portfolio Catch Up App Flow Information Architecture

3. Interaction

Usability Test

Following the creation of wireframes, user testing commenced. To ensure proper execution and evaluation of the tasks, a structured plan was implemented. The tasks include:

  • Creating a new account and completing the onboarding process

  • Adding a new word in the app

  • Accessing a category of flashcards

  • Searching for specific interests

  • Practicing vocabulary

  • Adding a flashcard to my list of interesting words.

Giselle Gazzana UX Designer Portfolio Catch Up App Usability Test Insights

Following Jakob Nielsen's 5 Components of Usability, an analysis of error severity was conducted. On a scale from #1 to #5, the prototype was subsequently refined, starting from the most severe problems.


Giselle Gazzana UX Designer Portfolio Catch Up App Lo-Fi Log in Screen Redesign
Giselle Gazzana UX Designer Portfolio Catch Up App Lo-Fi Log in Screen

Cleaner Login (social CTAs included again in the final version)

Giselle Gazzana UX Designer Portfolio Catch Up App Lo-Fi Save Word Screen
Giselle Gazzana UX Designer Portfolio Catch Up App Lo-Fi Save Word Screen Redesign

Basic dialogue for pre-saved words, global navigation highlighted

Giselle Gazzana UX Designer Portfolio Catch Up App Lo-Fi My Words and Interests Screen
Giselle Gazzana UX Designer Portfolio Catch Up App Lo-Fi My Words and Interests Screen Redesigned

Enhanced visualization, standardized options, and streamlined layout

Giselle Gazzana UX Designer Portfolio Catch Up App Lo-Fi Lets Practice Screen
Giselle Gazzana UX Designer Portfolio Catch Up App Lo-Fi Home Screen Redesigned

CTA highlighted, options rearranged, and the home page decluttered

4. Exposition

Design Language System

After the usability tests, the focus was refining the Catch-up visuals. A design language system was developed, including guidelines and visual aspects.

Giselle Gazzana UX Designer Portfolio Catch Up App Design Language System Guidelines Colour Palette and Typography
Giselle Gazzana UX Designer Portfolio Catch Up App Design Language Guidelines Iconography Logo and UI Elements

Introducing Catch-up

Sign up


Add Words

Add Confirmation

My Words/Interests

Let’s Connect!

Giselle Gazzana UX Designer Portfolio Catch Up App My Words and Interests Screen
Giselle Gazzana UX Designer Portfolio Catch Up App Lets Connect Screen
Giselle Gazzana UX Designer Portfolio Catch Up App Home Screen
Giselle Gazzana UX Designer Portfolio Catch Up App Sign up Screen
Giselle Gazzana UX Designer Portfolio Catch Up App Confirmation Screen
Giselle Gazzana UX Designer Portfolio Catch Up App Add Word Screen

Flashcard (flipped)


Giselle Gazzana UX Designer Portfolio Catch Up App Flashcard Screen Flipped
Giselle Gazzana UX Designer Portfolio Catch Up App Flashcard Screen

Conclusions & Next Steps

Identifying areas for improvement was crucial. People have diverse needs and preferences, but developing a useful and accessible app is key to making a positive impact. A key takeaway was analyzing usability tests and iterating on the design without becoming attached to initial sketches. I restructured the user flow, refined the UX writing, and consolidated information into fewer screens, streamlining the process to make it easier and more enjoyable for users. This approach reduced resource consumption while optimizing existing assets, enhancing the overall user experience.

Giselle Gazzana UX Designer Portfolio Catch Up App Storyset Illustration User Flow

The next steps would involve conducting new tests while developing features that emphasize conversation, and iteratively incorporating feedback from all stakeholders while maintaining close collaboration with the developers.


Click to test the Hi-Fi prototype

Click to test the Lo-Fi prototype